Anna Marie is back from Kids Kamp at Tulakogee. She had an AWESOME time. She took sewing, volleyball, and cheerleading. (we've been watching lots of cheers) There was also bible study, music, and missions. Shawn made a HUGE card to welcome her home. We all had a part of it to draw things on. I cleaned her room up for her...that was a JOB! We are glad she is back!
Today we sent Anna Marie off to her first time at camp. Until 4 years ago, she had been to Falls Creek every year when we would go to Young Musicians Camp. But, this is her first time as an actual camper......and without mom or dad there. She will be fine, she's very independant. It was a little harder on me than I expected. She's growing up. We are all going to miss her this week.
Vacation Bible School is now over. It was a GREAT week. Lots of fun! There were 240 kids enrolled this year. Somewhere between 15 and 20 kids were saved. Tonight we ended it with our family night. We ate pizza and then the kids sang for their families. Tomorrow.....WE REST!!!
This week's theme is ARCTIC EDGE.....WHERE ADVENTURE MEETS COURAGE. We have 220+ kids coming each day. Shawn made the majority of these decorations himself.
I have decided to drop out of the competition between my sisters and me. Apparently, we were competing to see who could go the longest without updating our blog. I give up.
This is the newest addition to the Evans' backyard. This was the big birthday gift this year. The kids LOVE it! And we love how much they stay outside and jump on it!!!
NOTE TO VALERIE: You will love these kinds of gifts too when you have your 4 kids!!!!