
Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Cup Stacking (by Anna Marie)

Tuesday we saw a show of 2 pro cup stackers.But here`s the weird part about it, 1 of the 2 was a 5-year-old girl who started practicing at the age of 3. She was AMAZING!!!!We tried it and we loved it! So we practiced and practiced and practiced some more.The 1st picture was made by me (Anna marie,age9.)it took45 cups and about 15 mins. Including the large amounts of times that it got knocked down.And the fact that ( for some ,probably strange, reason ) that I wasn`t trying to be fast. The 2nd was made by my little sister Melody (at the age of 2!Can you beleive it?) She did it by herself!It took 15 cups.It took a while for her but for the age of 2 she`s awsome. #3 was by my other little sister Trinity (The smaller girl in the 1st picture.Age 4 ) By the way i`m the other girl.The 4th was by me also.it took 60 cups about 15 mins ( Again for some ,probably strange, reasonI wasn`t trying to be fast)and lots and lots of practice.But I got lots of time to do it because my Mom and I have been sick.So there`s not much else we can do. Cup stacking is soooooo much fun. It`s sooooooo populer. Did you know some schools do it for gym and an actual sport? I`ts harder than it looks. But when you get the hang of it then it`s a whole lot easier and a whole lot of fun. But the hardest part is learning how to pick them up (super fast)and stack them up.But it is way worth it.We all love it.For some reason you could do the exact same thing over and over again and never get bored. I bet that`s why it`s so popular.Last night even made an entire city of cups.It let`s your imagination grow and go wild.

Monday, July 24, 2006


I hate strep throat! It's awful! It started with Trinity, then Melody, then me and Anna Marie. We did not even make it to church yesterday. Today Anna Marie and I both had temperatures over 102. So far it has eluded Zachary and Shawn. Hopefully they will not get it!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Salute to America 2 --at the stadium

On July 4th, the children's choir sang Salute to America at the high school stadium. They were GREAT again. It rained that afternoon so the temperature was nice when we were there. We figured it was still too hot for full costumes so they all wore patriotic hats.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Salute To America

Our children's choir sang Salute to America this morning. They did an AWESOME job. On the fourth they will be singing at the football stadium for the community.