I am making this blog for Synthia so she won't have to keep telling me we need a new one! BUT with 4 kids and a busy schedule I cannot always find time to get on the computer to update the blog. And besides that, just because our schedule is busy, doesn't mean it would be interesting to anyone else. So, this is for Synthia.
Today we had parent/teacher conferences. Got good reports. I took the younger two to the library. I taught piano lessons. Tonight, everyone is doing their homework and practicing their guitar. WHOO HOO exciting.
We are getting prepared to lead music in a revival in Claremore the first of November. That will be fun. We used to do several revivals a year, but these last two years we've only done one a year. Shawn and I always sing several solos and duets, but for this revival, Anna Marie will be singing several solos also.
Well, I hope you enjoyed this info.
At 2:41 PM, evansgirls said…
Synthia, have you not read this new blog I made for you?????
At 9:34 AM, evansgirls said…
What???? My last blog was there about 1/3 the time that you had Cosmetic Surgery on!!! You had EVERYONE telling you to get a new blog!!! And yes, 4 kids can make a person busy!!! LOL just wait
At 6:55 PM, evansgirls said…
and FOOD!!!
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