
Saturday, October 29, 2005

Anna Marie's music

Anna Marie is staying busy with music these days. She is taking guitar lessons, writing songs on a consistent basis, and keeping up with her band. ALSO, she is singing in our 5th Sunday Singing tomorrow night while a friend of hers plays the piano. The friend is a piano student of mine. AND, on Tuesday, she will be trying out for the talent show at her school. She will sing God Did. THEN, next Sunday we will start our revival in Claremore where she is singing 2 different specials. MEANWHILE, she has a major drama part in our children's choir Christmas musical which comes with a big solo. Anna Marie and Renee

Friday, October 28, 2005

Strep throat part 2

Strep Throat is now going through child number 2. Zachary got sent home from school yesterday with a fever. Luckily, the doctor just called in antibiotics for him since we already had seen him with Trinity. HOPEFULLY, no one else will get it. :)

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Biggest Loser

Ok, right now I guess I am the biggest loser. I was recording Biggest loser tonight because we were gone. We were watching it later and right before the ending.....it was the end of the tape!!! I didn't check to see if it was EP or SP!!! I don't have any idea who was eliminated tonight. Does anyone know???? Please tell me.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Treadmill Problems

I'm not happy with my treadmill right now!! It just stopped working today. It did this a couple of months ago and it had to have a part replaced. Now it's doing the same thing again. It was under warranty before, but I don't know if it still is. So, this is NOT GOOD....not after all the birthday party eating we did this past weekend.

Today is Melody's 2nd birthday. She is now officially in the terrible twos....in every sense of the word. She can be the sweetest child one minute, then be throwing the BIGGEST fit the very next minute. SO FUN!! She is loving her Dora the Explorer van that she got. For all of you family members that got to experience the van Saturday night...guess what. When we got home we realized it had been in Demo mode. You didn't even get to hear most of it! You will have to come over and experience it. We have also watched the Dora the Explorer video about 25 times now!

Anna Marie is going to try out for her school talent show next week. It's a pretty big deal. They do it in the evening and invite the community for a fundraiser. Hopefully, she'll make it.

Time to go rewind Dora the Explorer for number 26.......goodbye.

Thursday, October 20, 2005


Today, the first day of Fall Break, Trinity started running a fever. She said her throat, stomach and head hurt. We are planning a trip to OKC tomorrow so I took her to the doctor. They take walk-ins but you have to wait a LONG time. First of all, only one doctor was in today because the other was on vacation. Secondly, while we were waiting, he got called to do an emercency C-section. A lot of people left, but we decided we had better stay. 4 1/2 hours later, we were finally seen, and YES, it's a good thing we stayed. She has strep throat and is now on antibiotics. hopefully our trip will still go as planned, but what a LONG TIRING day this was. I had Anna Marie and Melody with me at the doctor's office and they got SO bored and hungry. Kids are fun!!!!!

Monday, October 17, 2005


I am making this blog for Synthia so she won't have to keep telling me we need a new one! BUT with 4 kids and a busy schedule I cannot always find time to get on the computer to update the blog. And besides that, just because our schedule is busy, doesn't mean it would be interesting to anyone else. So, this is for Synthia.

Today we had parent/teacher conferences. Got good reports. I took the younger two to the library. I taught piano lessons. Tonight, everyone is doing their homework and practicing their guitar. WHOO HOO exciting.

We are getting prepared to lead music in a revival in Claremore the first of November. That will be fun. We used to do several revivals a year, but these last two years we've only done one a year. Shawn and I always sing several solos and duets, but for this revival, Anna Marie will be singing several solos also.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this info.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Broken Toe

You might say that I have always been a bit accident prone. (right family?) Well, on Sunday I stumped my little toe REALLY hard and thought I might have broke it. It was sore all night. Today, when I stumped the EXACT SAME TOE, just as hard if not harder, and it immediately turned black and red and swelled up to twice it's original size, I KNEW it was broken. Of course you can't do much for a broken pinky toe. Just endure it and TRY to keep your kids from stepping on it. (I have been unsuccessful in that attempt) So tonight , I am in some pain. I guess I won't be on the treadmill for the next couple of days. I also won't be helping our children's choir with their little clogging routine this Wednesday. That's enough about me.

Anna Marie was the "cartwheeler of the day" today at gymnastics. Her teacher said she had mastered it the best.

Zachary is going to be wrestling again this fall.

Trinity is counting down the MANY days until she can start school, about 350.

Melody turns 2 two weeks from today.

That's it for now. Renee

Friday, October 07, 2005


Aren't these a bunch of cuties? These are pictures from New Orleans back in February. I can't believe how much Trinity has changed since then. Melody now looks like Trinity did in these pictures. Anna Marie wears glasses now, too. Next week I'll be getting a new cell phone with a camera and I'll (hopefully) learn how to put pictures on the computer. I'll be calling Synthia and asking her what to do. For now, I'll keep going through pics already on my computer.

Zachary got braces on his two front teeth this week. He choose black and red bands for his school colors. Everyone in his class thinks they are "so cool".

We watched the homecoming parade today from our front yard. Melody and Trinity had a ball. Anna Marie and Zachary got to watch it at school. Fun times!!!

Shawn began taking guitar lessons a few months ago. Last month, Zachary and I started lessons. This past week, Anna Marie started lessons. Our teacher looks forward to having us all 4 play together.

Renee and Anna Marie

Sunday, October 02, 2005


HEY!I just sang a song for church that I first heard 1 week and a half ago.By the way.It`s going to be on the cd and tape of the band.It`s called "God Did."IT`S A GREAT SONG !If you want to get a copy of the song comment on it and ask us how.Other good songs are:I wish we`d all been ready,without you.well I`m out of time, bye.ANNA MARIE

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Picture Test

With this post I will be trying to upload a picture. I believe you will find this to be a very entertaining picture too.

the new band

Hey!My friends and I made a new band!We do pretty good for 8 and 9 year olds and one 6 year old.(My bother.)We have already written and learned a song in two weeks.We had a meeting today at my house . Not everybody came so we couldn`t record.Well it`s still my first day at this so i don`t really know what people will comment on. Anna Marie

First Blog

Hi! It`s our very first time to blog. We thought this would be fun since we enjoy reading and commenting on Valerie and Synthia's blog. There's no shortage of things to talk about from the Evans household here. It's always entertaining. Hope you enjoy! Renee and Anna Marie