
Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Biggest Loser

Ok, right now I guess I am the biggest loser. I was recording Biggest loser tonight because we were gone. We were watching it later and right before the ending.....it was the end of the tape!!! I didn't check to see if it was EP or SP!!! I don't have any idea who was eliminated tonight. Does anyone know???? Please tell me.


  • At 12:26 PM, Blogger evansgirls said…

    UUUGGGHHH!!! That was so frustrating.

  • At 1:07 PM, Blogger evansgirls said…

    That's amazing that you guys can tell me I need a new blog when you guys have gone much longer than me before, while I have 4 kids and a husband and 21 piano students. I don't always get to get on the computer whenever I want. But I enjoy getting on when I can, and I make a new blog when I can.


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