
Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Busy Times

Ok, I've been "hinted at" that it's time for an update. So, let's see....what has been going on since my last post? Well, Anna Marie performed in her Fall Follies and did GREAT. She performed 3 times in 2 days and yes, we went to all 3. The last one was in the evening with a chili supper beforehand. There were around 700 people there.

Last Sunday our childrens choir performed their Christmas musical. It was a full hour of drama and singing and they did great. Zachary had a big solo in it. Anna Marie was one of the main drama parts and she also sang a solo. We had several dress rehearsals the week before the program.

This week we are getting ready for our adult musical. We have been having extra rehearsals for it. We will do it on Saturday night and on Sunday morning.

I almost forgot that we have had 2 wrestling tournaments stuck in there also. One in Coweta and one in Fort Gibson. This Saturday there will be one in Hulbert. Zachary is becoming quite the wrestler.

Also, IMMEDIATELY after the follies, Anna Marie came home and threw up everywhere. She was a SICK SICK girl for the next 24 hours. So, for the childrens choir rehearsal on Friday night, she sat by me on the front pew where I was directing the choir and she would read her drama part. She fell asleep half way through. Luckily she woke up Saturday feeling much better and was fine for rehearsal that day.

Last night, Melody, the 2 year old, walked into the kitchen and threw up over the ENTIRE floor. Needless to say I got very little sleep last night. But, like Anna Marie, it ran it's course in 24 hours and we were able to go to church tonight for our adult choir dress rehearsal.

The following Sunday, our youth choir will be doing their musical. So we have been having rehearsals with them, and this next week we will have several.

AND, stuck in the middle of all this is a special day....December 9th. MY BIRTHDAY. I will be 35....blegghh. Our church is having a Parents Night Out that night so WHOO HOO, I'm going to Red Lobster with my parents but NO KIDS. WHOO HOO.

Ok, thats all I've got for now, because with all this busyness and sick kids, my dishes are piled up, my laundry is piled up, and my house is a wreck...which is also why I haven't updated in awhile.



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